Eden Ruffle Jeans & Swiss Dot Blouse


More perfection from Tamara!  The Eden Ruffle Jean & Swiss Dot Blouse on a size 7 model, gorgeous.





14 thoughts on “Eden Ruffle Jeans & Swiss Dot Blouse

  1. so stinking cute!

  2. LOVE that~!
    Hope some are still available when I get back from out of town. Must see how my upcoming trip goes first.
    Gorgeous pics!

  3. Oh wow! I love that. what a perfect collaberation between you two. Gorgeous!

  4. Gorgeous Jen, I LOVE that swiss dot blouse!!

  5. i like that blouse =)
    whats the highest size u make, anyway?

  6. Great to see on a bigger girl!! Love it!

  7. I can’t stand looking at all these outfits. I die.. seriously.. there is just something about your clothing line that is to die for. I am a shopoholic and I shop a lot for myself and my kids and I see alot out there and I LOVE EDENS Bouquet. Great pictures too!

  8. I love your clothing that you sell! Just love it!
    Jeans – precious!
    Happy Day to you and much success to in every way!

  9. I would SO be ordering those jeans if you carried them in a women’s size!

  10. Awww soo cute!!

  11. love it!! has such a different feel on an older girl…

  12. I love this outfit and can hardly wait to see my sweet Emma Caroline in it. Can I just send you my sizes and you can make these jeans to fit me too? I would so wear these EVERYDAY! Love em, love em, love em.

  13. very nice work!

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