Crunch time

So much to do in 6 days.  We need to finish the house because our building permit expires next week.  I think that is a good thing.



Cousin Travis working on a sidewalk


Levi, Floyd & Ben working on the concrete steps






Totally irrelevant photos of my babies

9 thoughts on “Crunch time

  1. I love seeing the progress. In ‘these economic times’ it is so hopeful and inspiring to me to see that good, hard working people can still forge ahead and make their dreams come true. Thank you for sharing that. It reminds me to hold on to my dreams and to know that goals can be reached. I check your blog daily to get a little more beauty in my cup.

  2. Hey they do it on Extreme Makeover Home Edition so why not?? Looking good, will have to make sure I show Tim the pics of the concrete work, you know how these concrete guys are!!

  3. total cuteness of the babies.

  4. good job on the steps guys!:)

  5. Wow, look at them work!

  6. Beautiful! Beautiful! On your house & babies:)

  7. I have loved following your progress. I’ve told my husband that I may have to move there HA lol..

  8. Photos of babies are never irrelevant! Precious.

    Your house and surroundings give off such a peaceful vibe!

  9. wow, lots of scurrying around I’m sure! And I bet you enjoy watching it all happen. Looking beautiful!!

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