Crowned in snow

Jace took this photo out the living room window. The mountain emerges from the clouds adorned in snow.

I am still here, plodding through this first trimester.  Spending my entire day sitting in a chair and nibbling tiny bits of Granny Smith apples.  I can see the disastrous kitchen from where I am sitting and after 30 minutes or so I muster up the energy to clear off the counters before shuffling back to my chair and apples.  I do this throughout the day and by bedtime I usually have the dishwasher loaded and counters wiped down. Laundry? Everyone is on their own. Thankfully I am able to answer business emails and work on my designs from the chair.  Without constant nibbling, I slobber. If I slobber, I puke. I am 11 weeks 3 days and I have only puked thrice.  This is indeed the best pregnancy sickness ever, but I am still looking forward to it being over so that I can be productive again.

I did manage to get my heirloom nightgown design completed and I am hoping to have them up on the site in time for Christmas.

10 thoughts on “Crowned in snow

  1. LOVE your view! yay for nibbling apples! Can’t wait to see your heirloom nightgown design!

  2. So pretty! Looking forward to coming down for Thanksgiving! Hoping it all works out so we can come!

  3. Here’s to hoping for less and less puking. Poor thing. I’m nauseous. And dry heaving. It’s miserable. Hubs says we’re done with our third boy. I’d like one more. I don’t know how you can coordinate TEN!

    I’m so sorry for the loss.

    Do you guys still plan to move? I’ve been away a while and was wondering where yall are on that.

  4. Ohhh, I feel your pain. I threw up over 100 times with my second child. I haven’t heard of anyone else having the slobber problem like me, so thanks for making me feel more normal. I can’t believe you have done this ten times. I have done it three, hoping to endure one more. What a gift at the end, though. Hang in there, one slobber cup at a time.

  5. All I can say is it’s a good thing that apples work and not chunks of butter, at least you crave something healthy! Hope this ends soon…

  6. Your so funny! 🙂

  7. Oh I feel your pain. For me it was baby oranges- as long as i was nibbling on baby oranges I was ok. As soon as I stopped- pukesville! I was on meds too, but still barely kept it together those first 4 months.

  8. That is exactly how I am during the first 18 weeks. Uh. I feel for ya. It is a miserable feeling. So, why is it that I can’t wait to do it again? : )

  9. I couldn’t resist commenting

  10. Ah…right there with you! Congrats on making it through the first trimester. My hope for both of us… that the second trimester brings back energy! And no more nausea. I’m sure you are as ready as I am to accomplish more each day. 🙂

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