Breakfast at WR


Oh my.  Look at Wyatt’s dirty toes.  It’s a good thing it is Sauna night tonight.  That kid could use a good steam.

8 thoughts on “Breakfast at WR

  1. can i come for sauna?

  2. oh, you so know if i head to Wa in June, that i’m taking a side trip just to hang in your suana.

  3. haha, your wyatt has the same hat as my wyatt. almost done preparing for the shoot monday morning!

  4. LOL just goes to show he’s a healthy boy!! You can always tell when the weather is warming up, the kids have dirty feet!! Can I come to sauna??? please… ;p

  5. That is what a little boy’s toes are supposed to look like! The sauna would be amazing right now!!!

  6. Forget the adorable little toes for a minute, check out his awesome hat!

  7. You can feel the morning energy in that pic!!!

  8. 😀 loving this Jen …

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