If Anyone Thirsts

If Anyone Thirsts

This is my Christmas gift from my girl, Sabra Eden. Lovingly crafted in art class. Isn’t it beautiful? IF ANYONE THIRSTS, LET HIM COME TO ME AND DRINK.” -JOHN 7:37 Proclamation is made most freely, that every thirsty one is welcome. No other distinction is made but that of thirst.  The bleeding, dying, rising Savior […]

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 Morning light, sweet baby & new camera. I woke up Friday morning with a sudden urge to see the ocean. A text to Levi (to see if we were on the same page) and we were off to our favorite place in Long Beach, Washington.  Just enough time to have dinner at our favorite seaside […]

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Christmas Eve

  This is what Christmas Eve looked like at our house. Happy Chaos, as always.  The men and children decided that there was nothing they would like better than Pizza Hut, so that is what they ate while the ladies prepared a simple yet gourmet Italian meal. It was wonderful. After dinner we sang Christmas […]

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Christmas Eve Morn

  My little brother, Matthew Ryan (Levi calls him “Big Beard” for no reason at all). Nephew Tyrel, my baby boy Wyatt and Matthew. Levi’s gift from me. I get a Nikon, he gets a t-shirt. All’s fair. My sweet, second born son, Riley Michael. Dollar store ornament hanging randomly among the cards. Sabra Eden. […]

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Christmas Eve Day

 photos of poor, sick baby & I snapped by big brother, Spencer Rather than clean and cook and prepare the house like planned, I spent the day in the hospital with Jessie Pearl. Poor baby had a ear infection and was miserable.  Driving student, Spencer Cole, chauffeured us and after hours in ER and Christmas […]

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A Gift From Levi

We don’t usually get each other Christmas gifts, my husband & I, so I was surprised when Levi brought home a Nikon D600 for me.  I screeched like a little kid.  I have had my trusty Canon Rebel for years (6 or 8?) and this will take a bit of learning, but I am excited. […]

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  My little nephew, Brandt, all dressed up in some new eden’s bouquet designs.

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Snow Day

  Photos from our snow day. The kids built a fort and even big brother, Landon, joined the fun.  It is all melted now, but the weather man is forecasting a white Christmas.  

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Christmas Recital

Jace & Sabra’s Christmas piano recital was held at an old red barn along with a children’s voice recital. So darling. My girl’s first time playing the keyboard and she played beautifully. My boy’s first time on keyboard and very first recital. He played beautifully. My 3 year old niece, Avoni, stole the show when […]

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