Jessie Pearl 9 Months

Jessie Pearl 9 Months

Our baby Jessie Pearl is 9 months old already. Her newest trick is waving goodbye or hello.  She loves to give big open-mouth, slobbery kisses. Surprisingly she seems to like when her 3 year old sister carries her around and plays with her. Nothing but blessing, this baby. A Sunday stroll was serious business to […]

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  lu·thi·er noun ˈlü-tē-ər, -thē-ər : one who makes stringed musical instruments (as violins or guitars) Origin of LUTHIER French, from luth lute (from Middle French lut) First Known Use: 1879 This work of art was handcrafted by my dad for my brother, Tim. Something my brother will treasure forever, I am sure. The meticulous […]

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Ocean in January

I brought my fancy camera along on the surprise ocean trip and took several family photos before realizing I had left my SD card at home.  Here are the photos collected from our phones.  A brisk morning walk up to the lighthouse, beachcombing, lunch at a sit-down restaurant (rare!), a game of croquet and much […]

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20 Years Ago

Our firstborn, Landon Levi, at about 1 year old.  I found this old photo floating around the house so I snapped a picture with my phone. fast forward 2o years and here you see one of the strongest people I know This weekend I celebrated 20 years of motherhood. We took the whole family(plus 2 […]

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Frozen Wonderland

Our world is cloaked in ice crystals, making Windy Ridge a frozen wonderland. A perfect day to stay inside and roller skate.

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Jessie Pearl 8 Months

Our sweet Jessie Pearl is 8 months old.  She is getting around well by scooting and walking along furniture and spends her days exploring.  She loves food.  Her latest tricks are clapping her hands and dancing.  The apple of our eye.

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“There is laid up for me a crown of righteousness.” — 2 Timothy 4:8 Come with me, believer, and let us sit upon the top of Nebo, and view the goodly land, even Canaan. Seest thou that little river of death glistening in the sunlight, and across it dost thou see the pinnacles of the […]

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Brother Bird

Remember how I posted, here, about Cowgirl? Well, it turns out she is a he.  After molting, another bird emerged. Very awkward to say the least.  It’s taken awhile to wrap my mind around that, but I think I am getting there. After trying out a few names like Frankie, John Dillinger, Little Bill and […]

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Landon, Riley & Cole had fun with the clippers  These big, crazy looking, boys woke up this morning and made a grand breakfast for all of Windy Ridge. Good things are happening in twenty-thirteen.  As the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return to it without watering the earth and […]

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December's Last Days

Photos from my camera of the last days of December.  Mostly landscape because I was trying out my new zoom lens.  The view has been spectacular with the sun sparkling on the frost and snow.  The chicken coop in the background makes this photo. St. Helens, in the evening glow, perched among the frosted foothills. […]

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