

a moment of sadness when I saw this 11 year old journal entry about Christopher Robin she may not walk, but she climbs new teeth Lucy the lawnmower brothers drawing by lamplight cozy fire giant baby baby mohawk  

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Sickness & Health

Windy Ridge was hit by a nasty virus. We lost a week to sickness. It started with the little girls and quickly moved through every single family member, including the braggarts that claimed “they never get sick”. On Saturday night there were 7 of us violently ill at the same time. It was a week […]

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Lone Coyote

This fellow travels alone. We often see him ambling up the drive. Simon the Saint scares him off before he makes it to the top. Today he was following a big red dog that was dragging a leash. Anyone in North County missing a dog?  

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Boy's Eye View

My bird-watching boy captured these with my zoom lens. I like how their feathers are the same color, my boy’s and the bird’s.

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There I Find Delight

The Spirit moves.  I feel the instruction of my Lord, but as an impatient child, I tug away from His grasp in zealous haste. I think of my children and how when I give them a task they dash off half way through my instructions only to come back a few minutes later to have […]

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Jessie Pearl 11 Months

Almost a year since our darling Jessie Pearl was born. 11 months old and still content with crawling and walking along the furniture. Still mopping the floor with her knees. She spends her days peeking under chairs looking for choking hazards and waiting for someone to leave the gate open at the bottom of the […]

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Virtual Living Room

  I have read quite few posts lately about the wickedness of social media so I would like to offer my perspective. I love social media and consider it a blessing. In my virtual living room (or at my kitchen table or coffee shop or wherever your imagination takes you) I can fellowship with friends […]

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Violet's Pet

With spring comes new life and new pets. The little girls and boys have critters stashed in every corner. At the moment there is a 5 gallon bucket sitting in my mudroom, filled with slimy swamp water and salamanders. Such fun.

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Jessie Pearl has discovered the piano. Here she plinks out a duet with her sister, Sabra Eden.  

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Spring Mountain

 Our mountain in Spring. The birds are coming home.

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