

My first daughter’s 18th birthday photos. Beneath the struggle that is Asperger’s Syndrome lies a gentle girl with tremendous talent, a beautiful spirit and the same hopes and desires as anyone. God has great plans for you, Destiny Evelyn! For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to […]

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All But One

While at the reunion I look over and see almost all my kids in one place. I gasp. A very rare occurence so I quickly plopped down amongst them and asked Calli to snap a photo. All of the children that I grew in my womb, except my second-born, Riley.  81 months of pregnancy and […]

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Ada on the Zip Line

Sweet 73 year old Auntie Ada zipping through the air yelling “WOOHOO” Today was the first day of a 3-day reunion with Levi’s family from near and far.  I do believe the highlight was watching Ada (the oldest family member) sail by on the zip line.  What fun to gather with 300 Stenersens. Zip line, […]

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the cabin at Dove Hollow Summer is in full swing here at Windy Ridge. Heat wave, summer company from all over the country, barbecue, fresh crab, swimming at Dove Hollow, late evenings around the bonfire. The very best time of the year. Pictures with Grandma & Grandpa from the South.   It’s been 6 years […]

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Beach Wedding: Tonya & Bridesmaids

I love the dresses and how the colors were perfect for the beach. I love that both bridesmaids are almost due with babies.  

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Thousandfold Loveliness

For lack of attention, a thousandfold loveliness eludes us everyday. Remind me, again and again, of my own utter ignorance of the lives that surround me, and whose uneasy, restless surfaces are all I see; all I can see.  How again and again You have taken the turbulent, the unharmonious, the rebellious, and out of this […]

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Hello My Name Is

Jen from Windy Ridge. I know I have been quiet about eden’s bouquet, but we have some fun and exciting stuff going on behind the scenes. Stuff that required a new bio photo. Boy, that was tricky to get a somewhat natural expression. I realize now that I am a girl that makes a lot […]

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And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth. Genesis 9:16 (photo by Jace Walker)  

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Pigtails & Peonies

Sweet Jessie Pearl looks like a big girl with her pigtails My pink Peonies are the center of attention in this Spring bouquet  

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Mike & Tonya: First Look

We had him stand out on the sand, facing the ocean. His beautiful bride walked the beach path to meet him while piles of family stood on the deck and watched from a distance. Such a sweet moment when he saw her in her wedding dress for the first time.  Even though we were right […]

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