

Some of you have asked how we handle chores around here so thought I would share.  First of all, I am no example of order.  Life around here is crazy.  People often ask me “how do you do it” and I simply state the 2 word truth: “I don’t”. Luckily, my hopeful mind keeps convincing […]

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August Moon

(the blue moon hanging above Windy Ridge last night–and the same moon that hung over David ) When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? (written […]

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Monday Morning

This morning I took photos of my little girl in some new designs.  She is full of interesting faces and posture. What a morning. The pressure cooker, full of jars of tuna, clanking loudly,  Rooster and his hens strutting and clucking around the front door, Monday morning chores, on hold with the phone company, hastily […]

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21 years

21 years ago it was our wedding day. I vaguely recall Levi kissing my cheek and whispering “happy anniversary” early this morning before he left for work. A few hours later I woke up squished between our 9th & 10th child and felt blessed. Marriage isn’t always easy and we have had some really rough […]

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Long Beach 2013

My 5 girls in front of the painting of cranberry bogs Our first trip to the ocean this summer. I thought that since we weren’t hosting a wedding, this summer would be very easy and slow. Wrong. (Baby hates restraints) and after barely staying sane on the drive down we had such a good time. […]

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County Fair

Anna called Friday evening and asked if me and Sabra wanted to go to a concert at the fair. I dropped everything and went. Just me, Sabra, Anna and her girls and my sister, Rachael. I didn’t realize how relaxing it would be without the little ones. Ususally I am frantically counting heads but this […]

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Jessie Pearl

15 month old Jessie Pearl asleep in her vintage dress, yesterday. Children are a heritage from the Lord,     offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior     are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man     whose quiver is full of them. Psalm 137

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Artichoke Spinach Crab Dip

The captain has been bringing home loads of fresh crab so I have been trying new recipes. Just for fun. Inspired by Red Lobster’s lobster dip, this is a very good way to eat fresh caught crab. ARTICHOKE SPINACH CRAB DIP: a cup or few of lump crab meat 12 0z. aritchoke hearts chopped 3-10 […]

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Reunion 2013

Independence Day 7 of mine Jousting Shiloh & Konner (my nephews) Wyatt and the slip & slide Hazel wearing a daisy crown that big brother Landon made for her (sweetest thing) A photo of our baby Jessie Pearl’s great-great-grandma, Jessie Pearl (2nd from left in white) The first leg of the amazing race Levi won! […]

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Violet Noelle. This was a warm summer evening as we were walking the country road to Uncle Lloyd’s for a barbecue and swimming during our family reunion.  I love how the light shines in her untamed hair (aka snarled mess). This familiar bend in the road where I grew up brought back so many wonderful childhood […]

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