Boy's Eye View

Boy's Eye View

Photos I found on my boy’s camera. The world of Windy Ridge through Jace Walker’s eyes.  

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Good Morning, November

After a mostly sunny October I woke up to a beautiful sunny November.  This is a month of birthdays, festivals, new designs and Thanksgiving. I am looking forward to it.

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Levi's Birthday Film

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Dear Jessie

The day dawned bright and beautiful; a perfect day for a baptism down at Dove Hollow, I said.  Daddy agreed.  I snatched your vintage gown down from the hanger in the living room and gathered up your brothers and sisters. We went as we were. You were excited to be going somewhere and you cheerfully […]

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Boy's Eye View

I found this on the camera. A photo snappped by my 13 year brother, Isaiah.  

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Headband Curls

I had posted a before and after photo of headband curls on facebook and instagram and promised a requested tutorial. So here it is. Hazel with her wet snarls and self-chopped bangs is the star of this show. I didn’t realize she was making faces until later.  Made me laugh. Headband curls: seriously the easiest, […]

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Elowyn Gown

It feels good to design something new. Imagination come to life. Here is my inspiration board for the Elowyn Gown.  A creamy tulle and lace confection inspired by my fluff-loving little girls.  

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Beneath the Maple Tree

This mossy old Maple as seen our children grow (the neighbor’s and our’s). A moment ago my oldest boys were standing beneath her sheltering branches and now they have grown into tall, young men, done with schoolbus days. A moment ago it was only a few that stood beneath and now a flock of growing […]

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Moira Gown & Jacket

Thank you, Sheri, for the photo of your beautiful daughter Photo by Jenni from Helmuth Photography eden’s bouquet Moira Gown & Moira Velvet Jacket  

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Boy's Eye View

I think my boys are real lucky that they have a dad that brings them out on the deep sea. I fret a bit when they are gone, but  I love the stories they tell when they get back. They roll in at bedtime, smelling like the bottom of the dock, eyes shining as they […]

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