MEANDER me·an·der
1. To move or cause to move in a sinuous, spiral, or circular course;
We did a lot of aimless meandering. My youngest sister, Tamason, is the only one with a sense of direction so thank goodness she came with us or I think we would still be meandering today.
We behaved (or I did anyway) like shameless tourists. Gushing about the architecture, snapping photos of absolutely everything in sight including the food. Next time I will pretend to be a seasoned & sophisticated traveler. What? You don’t believe me?
Violet eats lemon at “The Grill”
There are fireplaces in almost every establishment and outside as well.
We spent a fair amount of time in the toy store. There were gifts to be gotten and gotten they were.
Gathering around my laptop, right before it died & I lost all of my photos from the first day except the ones I had posted on the blog. I have no luck with laptops and internet connections while traveling!
BREAKING NEWS! Violet’s first tooth just made an appearance.