Violet in Vintage

I love this vintage dress on Violet.  I think it will be the inspiration for the next eden’s bouquet dress.

I snapped this photo with my phone on Sunday.  She was emptying her piggy bank to buy goods from the store the boys set up on the second floor. They had rocks, cars, and all sorts of treasures for sale.  Remember playing store as a kid?

5 thoughts on “Violet in Vintage

  1. beautiful! I love it when my kids play ‘store’. Keeps them happy and busy for hours!

  2. So sweet! 🙂

  3. When I was a kid and we’d go to my Gramma’s, my folks would give my uncle (who wasn’t that much older than us) about $.25 to go “uptown” and buy candy. He’d come back with a bag full and then we’d play store. I loved it. Ah, that brings back such sweet memories.

  4. Yes I do. She is so adorable! When my little girl was about her age she called all her grandparents to come over and see her. Once they arrived she charged them all $10 to get into the house. Clever! Ha! She’s my little money maker:)

  5. beautiful Jen!!

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