Jessie Pearl's 2nd Week

Jessie Pearl is such a sweet and easy baby, but she still takes up all my time.

My day consists of feeding, changing, cuddling, feeding, changing, feeding.

I got a note home from school that there are confirmed cased of Pertussis in my 4th grader’s class and that a Pertussis epidemic has now been declared in our county and the state of Washington. Postpartum panic. I spent the last week going through all the kids’ records and trying to determine who needs boosters. It was a chore, but now I have the peace of mind that everyone is caught up and we are doing all we can to keep baby safe.

Hazel adores baby Jessie. I was a little nervous after Violet. My only child that had a problem with a new sibling. Violet wanted to give Hazel to Grandma after she was born. Hazel has no problems with her baby sister. She loves her and would hold her all day long if I let her.

6 thoughts on “Jessie Pearl's 2nd Week

  1. I LOVE that first image….wow….she is gorgeous!

  2. I know you already know this but enjoy those cuddles and feeding times, she will soon be Hazel’s age. She is beautiful and your pictures are better than wonderful.

  3. Enjoy those kiddos of yours . . . they are beautiful creations:O) Happy Mom’s Day! Sandy xo

  4. She is so beautiful. I thought about you and Jesse when I received the letter from school. Praying that she stays healthy.

  5. Wow Hazel is a mini you.

  6. Such a sweet baby girl! Enjoy every moment of that cuddling and feeding and changing. 🙂 She is worth every moment. Love the pictures…so beautiful!

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