3 months

Taken with my iPhone this morning. Simon isn’t going to let anyone sneak up.

Finally. I am 3 months pregnant, but it took forever. If you ever want to slow down time, get sick and pregnant. Now that I am entering the 2nd trimester I feel like I am on the downhill side of this. That is a good feeling.

Here is what’s going on in our corner of the world:

I have piles of everything to get caught up on.

It looks like we are going to stay at Windy Ridge and we are happy about that. I think we are too far out in the country for most people. Some of our lookers ended up lost on the top of a nearby mountain because they tried to follow their GPS and GPS won’t get you here.

My 2 little girls love and hate each other. Β I am trying to teach them to love more and hate less.

Hazel has learned the art of tattling. This morning she even tattled on herself. “MOOOOOMMMM!” she says all belligerent “I hurt Violet!”.

Clamming is open this weekend and I am hoping to go.

Hazel gave herself a haircut. She chopped her bangs all the way to the scalp with dull scissors. Β She now has to wear a flop.

We are starting on our barn.

I am getting fatter every day. Maybe even every hour.

My firstborn, Landon, is working on his associates degree in computer science. I am looking forward to having a geek in the family.

I have the 4th annual Autumn Festival to plan.

I think we will go to the pumpkin patch tomorrow.

12 thoughts on “3 months

  1. So happy to hear that you are cruisin downhill girlie πŸ™‚
    That is the best part of the struggles to get up the hill…

    I love the peeks into your life….
    a barn!
    a geek in the fam. ADORE.

    Thanks for always sharing XOX

  2. It seems like God must want you to stay where you are for the time being…but that means lots of fun trips to the coast! Glad you are on top of the 3 month mountain…I love that kids even tattle on themselves, my granddaughter did that the other day too. “I hit my baby brother, I naughty!”

  3. Yay! 3 months is always a good feeling. πŸ™‚ LOVE your view!!! Also glad to hear you are staying at Windy Ridge…I might actually get to see your beautiful place in person that way. πŸ™‚ Praying for your second trimester to be sickness free and glorious!

  4. Yay, glad you are at the 3 month mark! So when are you planning the Autumn festival? Thanksgiving is coming up quickly! Looking forward to seeing everybody!

  5. I snorted out loud when I read that you were maybe getting fatter by the hour πŸ˜‰ I don’t think I have ever seen you look even remotely chubby, let alone “fat” in photographs even when you’re just about due. Also laughing over Hazel tattling on herself, too cute!! EEK at the haircut…! I’m sure she still looks adorable though.

  6. When you get them taught the love hate thing, please tell me your secret. And if you could tell me how to keep them from fighting over every single toy they pick up all day long that’d be great too. Oh yeah. And can you please tell me how to get them to refrain from blasting at the top of their lungs and choking each other to death when they say sorry? Hazel sounds like she’s related to Rachel… she does something naughty and then yells “NEBER NEBER NEBER!!!” If you’re really worried about getting fatter by the day/hour and need a boost in self confidence, you may feel free to come visit me and stand next to me whilst you gaze into a mirror. Guaranteed to make you feel better… On a side note, can we please trade dogs? You can have a Beagle and my kids would have a new couch/horse/dog to play with. And I wouldn’t have to listen to: “MOM!! Puppy won’t let me ride on hers back!!!” I shall close my book with a word or 17 of congratulations on making it to 3 months. YAY JEN!! ;D

  7. So much going on up there, Jen. First off, I am happy that you will all be staying at WR. I hope that someday an opportunity comes along that makes fishing a pleasure for Levi that allows him to skip the Colombia River Bar(f). WR is definitely wayyyyy out there. Even with Verizon our GPS skipped out on the main road by the falls, but thankfully, I have a pretty good memory when it comes to going places after going there the first time. You have a treasure up there at the top of that mountain, and it’s everything that you have been chronicling for years. It’s not just a place, it’s the life you’ve made and the changes you go through every day. They are all blessings. I have been thinking about the big boys and saying prayers for them lately. It’s not easy to get some people to speak about painful experiences. I know because I am one of those types. It is nice to see him choosing a direction, and perhaps you could keep him on retainer ’cause you just got a new phone and it’s probably soon going to need repair after a swim in a cup of coffee or the bathtub. Hehe. I noticed the love/hate relationship between the girls. But they are so cute. They’re like The Odd Couple. They’d be lost without each other. Now you can quit with the lookers, enjoy switching into the holiday mode hopefully feeling better ANY MOMENT, and taking a pool on how many branches the Christmas tree will have that the boys bring in. Relax, girl. You got this. Oh, and where are you putting the barn? XOXO – Xty

  8. GPS will seriously get you lost… glad you are feeling better and that you are staying at windy ridge. can’t imagine you guys anywhere else. xoxo.

  9. I love this post. πŸ™‚ So real, candid, honest. I’m glad you’re staying at your beautiful, hard-to-find place. Your photos from there always make my heart happy. πŸ™‚

  10. I’ve been away a while and was reading back the other day, wondering if you were staying at Windy Ridge. Such a beautiful, beautiful place.

    Congratulations on your newest blessing!

  11. Oh goodness gracious. Your descriptions made me giggle. The love/hate thing….yeah I can SO relate. I have that going on with my two little boys. It’s so annoying. lol
    Congrats on baby #10!

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