Thought provoking fun

I say that only because my thoughts have been provoked by gifted photographer, Jasmine Star.  Provoked into straying from their intended tasks. I distractedly went about my work while my mind turned the events from my day into 6 word short stories.


Baby eats cereal; mess is made.

Levi saws wood, windows are trimmed.

Boys went treasure hunting, struck gold.


Yes, I know.  They all look like cheesy headlines.  It is apparent I will not win the $629 photoshop actions with my own skill.  Dad?  Surely the writer in you can come up with 6 words arranged into a profound story line to win these for me.  Uncle Randy?  Perhaps you would like to win these for me to make up for terrorizing me with the bear rug.


Those of you that are not family and do not owe me anything.  Enter to win this for yourself. Distract yourself.  Have a little fun.

Authentic Windy Ridge Sunset.


5 thoughts on “Thought provoking fun

  1. looks like fun.

  2. I like your last one, that was pretty good!!

  3. so, what did you submit? i was just reading other peoples, some cool ones. to many to read though!

    neat pic!

  4. These are so awesome! Thanks for the cyber lovin’! 🙂

  5. Огромное спасибо за потрясающие идеи!!! Буду следить за блогом, много всего интересного. А мой блог о науке, надеюсь, тоже понравится 😉

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