Dear sir

This is what happened at the ranch yesterday.  After a happy life Sir Loin has served his purpose. 

Thank you big cow, I hope you taste really good. 

Now that I have made you queasy I am off to hand-craft a billion and one dainty little headbands.  Then I am going to work on my kitchen cabinets and paint my walls.  All this while toting a chocolate covered baby on my left hip.  I will take photos. 

(I just tried to flex my muscles, but nothing happened)

2 thoughts on “Dear sir

  1. LOL, rolling over here!!! You are just to funny (Im picturing you over here, flexing. hehe..)….didn’t make me queasy, course last Saturday, Tim and the kids butchered a couple roosters. Even ate one the other day and it was actually good!

  2. I want that burger….
    *Salivates everywhere*
    Sir Loin….you look like one tasty meal hehe

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