Hazel's 6th week

hazel-6-weeks1Hazel is wearing eden’s bouquet Heirloom Romper

15 thoughts on “Hazel's 6th week

  1. SUCH a beauty! I still say she looks like a cross between Destiny and Violet. She definitely has Levi’s eyes. Happy 6 weeks!

  2. Awwwww sooooo cute!!!

  3. 6 weeks already!! What a little sweetie;)

  4. it goes so fast!!

  5. Very cute! I have 2 weeks left.

  6. She looks like she is thriving! So cute, but they grow up too fast!

  7. cutie pie 🙂

  8. so beautiful!!!

  9. i can’t believe how much she has grown!! six weeks?!?! where did the time go…she is adorable!

  10. Hazel is just gorgeous!

  11. oh my gosh….6 weeks old already, can’t believe it!! All your babies do certainly look like Levi, her looks are changing and what a sweetie she is.
    Blessings to you & baby Hazel Jean.

  12. Awwww!Cute as can be! what kind of photo editing software do u use (if you don’t mind my asking)? 🙂

  13. Awww. What a doll. Love the outfit! 🙂

  14. Jen, she is beautiful… I just love her smile in the second one.

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