Taking it easy

september-2009-167-webTaking it easy with my baby girl.  I have no choice really.  In the last week I have had 3 different infections and superficial thrombosis, blood clots in the small veins rendering my right arm useless.  Not dangerous like deep vein thrombosis, but painful.  This was likely caused from a blood draw at the hospital.  I am forced to sit around with a warm compress on my gimpy arm.

My little Hazel on the other hand is doing fabulous.  Doesn’t bother her in the slightest that her fancy bottles are infected.  Breastfeeding is her very favorite thing to do and she wants to do it 24/7.   If I start getting overwhelmed and frustrated I just look at her sweet face and it is all worthwhile.

Thank you all for the emails and comments,  I am on the mend and I have so much to be thankful for.

23 thoughts on “Taking it easy

  1. wow jen, so sorry to hear you have had a time of it..no worries though your made outta tuff stuff and this will all be a memory!lol lovely picture of you with Hazel.

  2. Hi Jen.

    I hope you get better really soon. Hazel is a doll!

  3. My mom and I are praying for your health! Hazel Jean is beautiful!

    God bless you!

    Julie M.

  4. Glad to hear you are on the mend . . . .

  5. Hang in there Jen, I’m so sorry to hear about all that – yikes! Just enjoy that sweet angel of yours!!! 🙂 T

  6. I’m so sorry to hear you’ve had a rough couple weeks. Praying it will all soon pass. That pic of you and Hazel is gorgeous! Enjoy your snuggle time.

  7. Get better soon. I know how hard it is to have to be forced to rest. Mommies have to much to do to be down, right?
    I was on lovonox injections for blood clotting issues during and after. Something to think about?
    I love the picture!

  8. praying you get better fast! sweet pic…

  9. oh honey that photo is precious! she is just so sweet…i am sorry you have not been feeling well, I have you in my thoughts~ warm hugs…tara

  10. The situation with your arm sounds awful! Hope you feel better soon!

  11. Jen, so glad to see you post. I’ve been following your twitter and was quite worried, HUGGLES!!

  12. Blessings come in many packages. This painful blessing is allowing you special time with little Hazel and appreciate these moments. I hope you feel better very soon.

  13. Oh boy infections are no fun!!!! When I had my appendix out they put the IV in the crook of my elbow and it got a hard sore lump there, but once they moved it, it was better. Anyhoo praying you feel better soon!!!

  14. sweet baby girl!

  15. Sweet pic! Praying you get better soon. Glad to hear little Hazel is doing well xx

  16. Very warm picture. I love it. So glad you are better and are both healthy. I will be praying for healing for your poor body – 9 children, my goodness!

  17. Okay, that may have come out wrong. Not sure how to re-write it, though.

  18. Oh, feel better soon dear!

  19. Yucky stuff!That does not sound fun. At least you have an excuse to just be lazy & enjoy lil Hazel.Praying you’ll be better soon.

  20. oh my goodness….sweet faces
    both of you

  21. Congratulations on your new sweet baby Hazel! I love babies! I feel for you on your thrombosis, I too have had that…only it was in both of my legs~not fun! My thoughts and prayers are with you for a speedy recovery!!

    Hugs to you,

  22. 🙁 Sorry you’ve been having health struggles! Hope you are all well soon.

  23. I am so sorry that you have had such a hard time. Hazel…what a gorgeous name. Congratulations!!!

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