34 weeks

34 weeks. 6 weeks left. EEK.

I feel more comfortable now than I did a month ago, for whatever reason. I rarely take Zofran. Maybe once or twice a week. Not that I don’t waddle, huff, puff and take naps every afternoon.  I had big plans of getting in shape this pregnancy, but now I only have 6 weeks left to do it. Oh well, my nightly walk to the ranch sign and back will simply have to do because I am running out of time.  Baby Jessie is still doing acrobatics in my womb and is breech as much as she isn’t.  She likes to knock the wind out of me.  Our count down chain is getting mighty short and we are all getting excited to meet her.

10 thoughts on “34 weeks

  1. You look beautiful! If I could’ve, I wouldve kept having more babies. I had to stop at 5 (plus a handful of miscarriages). I miss that newborn/baby stage. Enjoy this time. 🙂

  2. Jen, you look absolutely amazing! Enjoy this time…these last 6 weeks will go quickly. Praying for you and a glorious last few weeks. 🙂

  3. Baby number 10 and not a stretch mark to be found. Can I disown you for being perfect?

  4. beautiful you.

  5. Beautiful as always Jen! 🙂 I love your long hair!

  6. Only 6 wks left..so crazy, huh?! Adorable pics..

  7. You are looking so stylish and gorgeous! LOVING your hair too. Clever shot of you with all of your girlies and gosh, Wyatt looks like he must be a sweetheart.

  8. Beautiful Mama x

  9. You are the most gorgeous pregnant mama ever 🙂 Enjoy your last 6 weeks of carrying….so precious xox

  10. I only hope that I could look half as hot as you in my 9th month! I don’t know how u do it .

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