Jessie Pearl 8 Months

Jessie 8 months

Our sweet Jessie Pearl is 8 months old.  She is getting around well by scooting and walking along furniture and spends her days exploring.  She loves food.  Her latest tricks are clapping her hands and dancing.  The apple of our eye.

Jp 8 m


Jp 8 mo

8 thoughts on “Jessie Pearl 8 Months

  1. She is such a doll. 🙂 Cannot believe she is 8 months old already.

  2. Her eyes are mesmerizing.

  3. Aww what a dolly! They grow way too fast.. Can’t believe my baby will be one on Wednesday!

  4. Time flies . . . enjoy her :O)

  5. 8 months! She’s growing so fast!

  6. She is such a little doll!

  7. she is precious… 🙂

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