

I was rocking Hazel in front of the fireplace and as usual my camera was beside me on the hearth.  It was right before suppertime, a time I jokingly refer to as happy hour.  The kids are bored, hungry and brawling.  I’m going a little crazy.  I glance over and notice my little Wyatt fast asleep in the middle of it all.  The disorderly ruckus moves into the background and a sense of sadness washes over me.    He looks so innocent & vulnerable.  I wonder if I have listened to all his stories that day.  Heard his complaints.  Savored his hugs.  I silently vow to try harder.

31 thoughts on “Wyatt

  1. So sweet! I love those moments!

  2. you explain motherhood so well! cute picture.

  3. Cute shot! I agree with Missy, you explained motherhood so well.

  4. Motherhood…thats the way it is hey?!!

  5. Awww, he looks so sweet, Ive had the same feeling when I seen Ellie sound asleep in her diaper last week on the living room floor, Sad to say she was fussing at me for a while but I neglected her to finish my cleaning 🙁

  6. what a sweetie.

  7. So sweet. I have those moments some evening as well. It’s usually after the girls have gone to bed and when I think that I just have to go in and give them a kiss and whisper how I love them and will try harder the next day!

  8. It may just be that my hormones are still a little off from having my baby, but…I’m crying! He’s adorable!!!!

  9. I have those feelings every night when my little one sleeps beside me…did I do anything but yell and tell her no all day? Did I hug her enough, does she know how much I love her? Mom guilt….blah.

  10. “happy hour”….yep, I know what that’s all about! You described it so well!

  11. Oh my goodness. I was just talking about “that hour” today! I was watching my brother’s 3 along with my 4 so that my sister-in-law’s Mom (who is here from Hawaii) could go to the hospital and see the new precious babe born this morning. It had been such a nice, mellow, sunny, quiet day and then “that hour” happened. It is just insane how it all falls apart and I was saying I think it’s because they’re hungry and tired and it’s the time of the day when you are really “having” to get something (called supper that will “solve” it all) done on time… It’s crazy! They ARE so precious when they are sleeping… and telling stories… and… sigh!

  12. Oh wow, Jen. This post really tugged at my heart. As a mommy of a large family, I can relate. We have that same ‘Happy Hour’ (or is it ‘Happy Night’?) at our house as well. When I peek on the girls at night after they are all tucked in and warm in their beds, I think the exact same things. I just hope I am doing all I can to make their sweet little lives wonderful.

    Sweet, sweet post Jen. Precious picture and wonderful lighting. Hugs.

  13. you explain being a mom perfect!Almost every night before I go to bed I watch Kasen sleeping and wish I would’ve had more time to snuggle and play with him that day:)

  14. Oh that is precious. You captured the moment and the love of a mother so well.

  15. thanks Jen…I needed your blog today. I often get lost in the daily grind, and loss focus on what really matters.

  16. i ask myself the same thing sometimes….did I get a chance to listen to what my kids had to say today. the day goes by so quickly and before I know it they are in bed. I love that he was able to fall asleep right in the middle of all the ruckus 🙂 when your tired your tired!

  17. Oh my gosh…I do this same thing. After the day is through and my 5 babies are all fast asleep. I go in and check on each one of them. Watching their little faces sleep. Wishing I had listened to them a little harder, played a little more, been more patient. It makes me reflect on my day and what I can do better as a stay at home mom. For sure.
    Sometimes, I sit and think…”I am home all day with my kids and yet sometimes I feel like I am not there for them”. Does that make sense? I hardly get anything done in my house all day yet I still feel like I didn’t do enough for my kids.
    On to tomorrow! I am so greatful for a new day to be better!
    Thanks for sharing your little moments.
    PS. I think Wyatt is who Hazel resembles most. From what I have seen via your pictures. 🙂

    Goodnight friend!

  18. aww hes getting so big

  19. Indeed…happy hour. When I was a young mom, my own mother always told me that the dishes, the dirt, the dust and the laundry will wait for me, so just sit and rock those babies! Good advise I would say.

  20. Oh my goodness, Jen. I go to your blog to check to see if I have won, and I did!! Not because I won $50, but because this post is so sweet. I am crying. You are amazing, woman!

  21. Such a good mom! Those sweet thoughts should be put in a book with that photo.

  22. hug more, laugh more, listen more, play with more…they grow up so fast and we’ve been given this amazing opportunity to have them in our lives beside us.

  23. so touching , makes us all think twice

  24. What a sweet picture!

  25. sweet…

  26. Love the picture. They are all truly a miracle.

  27. oh, these mom doubts wash over me every night as i make sure the kids are sleeping soundly and all tucked in at night…those little moments i vow not to lose and to also try harder…sigh…
    i needed this today…thanks….

  28. May we (Moms) all have such an hour of humble reflection at the end of each day. Lovely pic, and even more lovely insight.

  29. Aww, this actually brings tears to my eyes…I’m not the only mother who thinks this way 🙂

  30. It is precious! I remember when MY Wyatt was that sweet and small. 🙁 MISS it!

  31. Well put. I think the same things when my kids are asleep…

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