6 weeks

Today the bean has been growing for 6 weeks.  You might have noticed that 4 days ago I stated that I was 4 weeks pregnant.  That is me demonstrating my skill with numbers. (my aunt informed me that I was a bit off)

No puking! 

Due to the generosity of others I am taking Zofran day and night and it is saving my life.  Thank you thank you generous others!


There is NO HIDING this belly.   Time to put away the skinny jeans.  The documenting begins. 

I spend my days growing & eating, an exhausting task.  I know I am only 6 weeks pregnant, but I feel like a normal gagging  pregnant woman!  I may be slow, but I am not in bed.   Yet.

The other night while I was sitting next to the gallon jar of pickles I thought to myself “wouldn’t it be nice if the sickness just stayed like this the whole pregnancy?” OH I hope so!

What works for me now:

Peppermint tea

Peppermint candies & gum

TV dinners (sick, huh?)

Anything pickled (so typical!)

Nibbling tortilla chips

Cherry Jolly Ranchers

Mashed potatoes

of course that will all change in a day or so

Did I ever tell you I drool like a St. Bernard when I am pregnant?

23 thoughts on “6 weeks

  1. Your list of “what works” makes me smile a big smile of familiarity! For about 3 weeks with this pregnancy (#7 for us) I could only eat Pollo Tropical Chicken Caesar Wraps, so I had to send my hubby through the drive-through daily. Everything else just didn’t agree with me. Everything that I’d loved before was almost detestable (chocolate, coffee, tea with sugar, salad, normal food…), so I lived on their chicken caesar wraps, even though they’d get soggy as I ate little bits of them throughout the day. Then one day it all switched and I couldn’t think about a chicken caesar wrap, but discovered that I liked Vocelli’s Rustico Pizza with chicken and artichokes, and had to have that day after day! We don’t usually eat much fast food, but I couldn’t stand the smell of food cooking. Now that I’m 20 weeks, I don’t know if I’ll EVER want to see another Pollo Tropical wrap again…but I can still handle the Rustico pizza. Unfortunately, I’ve rediscovered my love for chocolate, but am limiting myself :o)

    Your tummy pics make me feel SO good, too! I’m about your size (size 0-2?), but popped out almost immediately with this baby. I just got back from maternity clothes shopping because I was desperate. Finding maternity clothes in the really small sizes is almost as challenging as finding food that sounds good in the first trimester!

    The drooling confession made me laugh right out loud! You are truly unique…but anyone who reads your blog or sees your work can figure that out very quickly, even though we may be strangers to you. I think we’re all thankful that there’s a Jen from Windy Ridge in the world!

    Thank you for sharing your world with us!


  2. Awww these pictures are wonderful. I hope you get to feeling better very soon:)

  3. YAY!! That is soo awesome you are able to take ZOFRAN!!!What a blessing!! I have been thinking of you everyday and praying!! …The what works list…I aint got one:)

  4. hehe..adorable pics. how awesome you have zofran!! and no puking yet..Yay!!

  5. It’s amazing how quickly your belly comes to life, so beautiful! How is this for ya, when I was preggo with my son I liked the smell of my pugs breath!!
    I hope you stay feeling well!!

  6. still praying for you!

  7. you are adorable. fj

  8. The pictures are very nice! 🙂 I hope you get to feeling better!

  9. Awww these pictures are wonderful. I hope you get to feeling better very soon:)

  10. I laughed out loud when you said you drooled, I also drool a lot when I’m pregnant but only when I’m sleeping.

  11. this picture is gorgeous, you are gorgeous. so excited for you about the baby. i hope the sickies stay away! congrats.

  12. Jen, your picture(and belly) is just beautiful! My baby girl is six months old today and your post has me dreaming of the next one! So happy that you don’t feel too bad for the time, hope it lasts! As for the list, definately takes me back to this time last year! I pray that the remainder of your pregnancy goes easy and the sickness stays away. Take care.

  13. How do you stay so slim and lovely inbetween all these great events ? I only have three but can’t do it again to my body. You are very amazing. Sometimes I think just maybe I could push the envelope but I am already 40. How did you do it all and not go insane ? You look lovely pregnant.

  14. You look so cute!!

  15. You are too funny! I’m so glad that you are doing so well. See?;) You look wonderful but I do have to say, I thought my belly popped out fast! Now I’m thinking that I probably just looked like I put on a little extra weight. Your’s is a cute baby bump, mine was, well, I won’t go there;)

  16. Looking good, well we are now in the sunny south!!! Feels good compared to our freezing winter!

  17. Many congrats and good wishes for you and your little peanut, Jen. You are beautiful! Hoping for a smooth, low-wretch pregnancy for you. 🙂

  18. What a beautiful picture!!! You look so beautiful. Ohhhhh, have you thought of any names yet? Fun!
    LOL T.V. dinners and drool. 🙂

  19. Awww you poor thing. I tell you the only thing (still) working for me is hot salty chips. SOoooo bad for me but the only thing that can really calm down the nausea. Pregnancy is a cruel, cruel thing sometimes.

  20. Congrats on your pregnancy! How exciting!

    With friendship,

  21. I was soo tripped up with excitement about reading the news and seeing that beautiful photo I almost signed in as “beautiful”!!! lolol
    Oh girl, big huge congrats and blessings on you, on you all!!! So happy for you, that photo is soo lovely…wow! It will sure be a long journey, as you already know with your brood of babies, but I pray for an easy one for you.
    Much love and God’s full measure of blessings on you and the baby xxoo

  22. have you tried sour patch kids….I think they take they edge off as well! Don’t worry I look like this as well as 6 weeks….people that don’t even know me ask if I am having a baby! xo Shannon

  23. The drooling is very sexy…I snore when I am pregnant. Equally sexy!

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